
Boussole is working on per-project configuration, it means all your SASS sources to compile have to be organized in the same directory considered as the sources directory. Obviously you can organize them in multiple sub-directories within your sources directory.

Your project can rely on some SASS libraries that must be out of the source directory.

Boussole does not really handle itself compilation, this is the role of libsass-python. But Boussole needs to inspect your SASS sources and so can raise some errors if they are invalid. These errors are almost only about your @import rules.

Boussole is builded following SASS references and all your SASS sources and libraries compatible with libsass should be safe to compile.

Project configuration

A project configuration lives in a JSON file which default attempted name is settings.json from current directory. You can use the argument --config to specify another path to your settings file.

It does not matter the filename of your file is settings.json or foo.json or anything else, but your file has to be a valid JSON file.


Here is a full sample of available settings for project configuration:

    "SOURCES_PATH": "/home/foo",
    "TARGET_PATH": "/home/bar",
    "OUTPUT_STYLES": "nested",
    "SOURCE_COMMENTS": false,
    "EXCLUDES": [



Default: None, this is a required setting.

(string) Path to the directory containing your project SASS sources to compile.


Default: Empty list

(list) A list of paths (string) to your library imported from your SASS sources. Never try to add your source dir as a library and vice versa, this will trouble resolver and compiler.


Default: None, this is a required setting.

(string) Directory path where will be writed your compiled SASS sources.


Default: nested

(string) keyword of output style type used to compile your SASS sources. Can be either compact, expanded, nested or compressed.


Default: false

(boolean) If true, comments about source lines will be added to each rule in resulted CSS from compile.


Default: Empty list

(list) A list of glob pattern (string) to exclude some paths/files from compile. Remember these pattern are allways matched against relative paths (from project directory).



boussole compile

Compile simply launch compiler on every eligible SASS source from your SOURCES_PATH.



boussole watch

Watcher will constantly watch about changes on files in your SOURCES_PATH. When a change event occurs, it will compile eligible sources from the file dependencies and itself.