Source code for boussole.watcher

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Source watcher

Watcher is almost *isolated* from command line code because it runs in an
infinite loop, so note that handlers directly output some informations on a

import os

from pathtools.patterns import match_path
from import PatternMatchingEventHandler

from boussole.exceptions import BoussoleBaseException
from boussole.finder import ScssFinder
from boussole.compiler import SassCompileHelper

[docs]class SassLibraryEventHandler(object): """ Watch mixin handler for library sources Handler does not compile source which triggered an event, only its parent dependencies. Because libraries are not intended to be compiled. Args: settings (boussole.conf.model.Settings): Project settings. logger (logging.Logger): Logger object to write messages. inspector (boussole.inspector.ScssInspector): Inspector instance. Attributes: settings (boussole.conf.model.Settings): Filled from argument. logger (logging.Logger): Filled from argument. inspector (boussole.inspector.ScssInspector): Filled from argument. finder (boussole.finder.ScssFinder): Finder instance. compiler (boussole.compiler.SassCompileHelper): Sass compile helper object. compilable_files (dict): Pair of (source path, destination path) to compile. Automatically update from ``index()`` method. source_files (list): List of source path to compile. Automatically update from ``index()`` method. _event_error (bool): Internal flag setted to ``True`` if error has occured within an event. ``index()`` will reboot it to ``False`` each time a new event occurs. """ def __init__(self, settings, logger, inspector, *args, **kwargs): self.settings = settings self.logger = logger self.inspector = inspector self.finder = ScssFinder() self.compiler = SassCompileHelper() self.compilable_files = {} self.source_files = [] self._event_error = False super(SassLibraryEventHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def index(self): """ Reset inspector buffers and index project sources dependencies. This have to be executed each time an event occurs. Note: If a Boussole exception occurs during operation, it will be catched and an error flag will be set to ``True`` so event operation will be blocked without blocking or breaking watchdog observer. """ self._event_error = False try: compilable_files = self.finder.mirror_sources( self.settings.SOURCES_PATH, targetdir=self.settings.TARGET_PATH, excludes=self.settings.EXCLUDES ) self.compilable_files = dict(compilable_files) self.source_files = self.compilable_files.keys() # Init inspector and do first inspect self.inspector.reset() self.inspector.inspect( *self.source_files, library_paths=self.settings.LIBRARY_PATHS ) except BoussoleBaseException as e: self._event_error = True self.logger.error(e.message)
[docs] def compile_source(self, sourcepath): """ Compile source to its destination Check if the source is eligible to compile (not partial and allowed from exclude patterns) Args: sourcepath (string): Sass source path to compile to its destination using project settings. Returns: tuple or None: A pair of (sourcepath, destination), if source has been compiled (or at least tried). If the source was not eligible to compile, return will be ``None``. """ relpath = os.path.relpath(sourcepath, self.settings.SOURCES_PATH) conditions = { 'sourcedir': None, 'nopartial': True, 'exclude_patterns': self.settings.EXCLUDES, 'excluded_libdirs': self.settings.LIBRARY_PATHS, } if self.finder.match_conditions(sourcepath, **conditions): destination = self.finder.get_destination( relpath, targetdir=self.settings.TARGET_PATH ) self.logger.debug("Compile: {}".format(sourcepath)) success, message = self.compiler.safe_compile( self.settings, sourcepath, destination ) if success:"Output: {}".format(message)) else: self.logger.error(message) return sourcepath, destination return None
[docs] def compile_dependencies(self, sourcepath, include_self=False): """ Apply compile on all dependencies Args: sourcepath (string): Sass source path to compile to its destination using project settings. Keyword Arguments: include_self (bool): If ``True`` the given sourcepath is add to items to compile, else only its dependencies are compiled. """ items = self.inspector.parents(sourcepath) # Also add the current event related path if include_self: items.add(sourcepath) return filter(None, [self.compile_source(item) for item in items])
[docs] def on_any_event(self, event): """ Catch-all event handler (moved, created, deleted, changed). Before any event, index project to have the right and current dependencies map. Args: event: Watchdog event ````. """ self.index()
[docs] def on_moved(self, event): """ Called when a file or a directory is moved or renamed. Many editors don't directly change a file, instead they make a transitional file like ``*.part`` then move it to the final filename. Args: event: Watchdog event, either ```` or ````. """ if not self._event_error: # We are only interested for final file, not transitional file # from editors (like *.part) pathtools_options = { 'included_patterns': self.patterns, 'excluded_patterns': self.ignore_patterns, 'case_sensitive': self.case_sensitive, } # Apply pathtool matching on destination since Watchdog only # automatically apply it on source if match_path(event.dest_path, **pathtools_options):"Change detected from a move on: %s", event.dest_path) self.compile_dependencies(event.dest_path)
[docs] def on_created(self, event): """ Called when a new file or directory is created. Todo: This should be also used (extended from another class?) to watch for some special name file (like ".boussole-watcher-stop" create to raise a KeyboardInterrupt, so we may be able to unittest the watcher (click.CliRunner is not able to send signal like CTRL+C that is required to watchdog observer loop) Args: event: Watchdog event, either ```` or ````. """ if not self._event_error:"Change detected from a create on: %s", event.src_path) self.compile_dependencies(event.src_path)
[docs] def on_modified(self, event): """ Called when a file or directory is modified. Args: event: Watchdog event, ```` or ````. """ if not self._event_error:"Change detected from an edit on: %s", event.src_path) self.compile_dependencies(event.src_path)
[docs] def on_deleted(self, event): """ Called when a file or directory is deleted. Todo: Bugged with inspector and sass compiler since the does not exists anymore. Args: event: Watchdog event, ```` or ````. """ if not self._event_error:"Change detected from deletion of: %s", event.src_path) # Never try to compile the deleted source self.compile_dependencies(event.src_path, include_self=False)
[docs]class SassProjectEventHandler(SassLibraryEventHandler): """ Watch mixin handler for project sources. Warning: DO NOT use project handler to watch libraries, there is a risk the compiler will try to compile their sources in a wrong directory. Source that trigger event is compiled (if eligible) with its dependencies. """
[docs] def compile_dependencies(self, sourcepath, include_self=True): """ Same as inherit method but the default value for keyword argument ``ìnclude_self`` is ``True``. """ return super(SassProjectEventHandler, self).compile_dependencies( sourcepath, include_self=include_self )
[docs]class WatchdogLibraryEventHandler(SassLibraryEventHandler, PatternMatchingEventHandler): """ Watchdog event handler for library sources """ pass
[docs]class WatchdogProjectEventHandler(SassProjectEventHandler, PatternMatchingEventHandler): """ Watchdog event handler for project sources. Warning: DO NOT use project handler to watch libraries, there is a risk the compiler will try to compile their sources in a wrong directory. """ pass